End of the Year Charitable Giving

Hi friends,

Recently we have received inquiries about tax-smart ways to support Hospice Austin. With the end of the tax year approaching, we wanted to share some strategies that can help you maximize the tax benefits of your charitable giving.

If you are interested in making an end of the year gift to Hospice Austin in 2019, we invite you to explore the following tax-advantaged opportunities:

~ If you are age 70½ or older, consider making a tax-free gift to Hospice Austin through an IRA charitable rollover.

~ If you are interested in tax benefits and a guaranteed income stream, consider a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust.

~ If you have experienced gains in the financial markets this year, consider donating appreciated securities to Hospice Austin to avoid paying capital gains taxes.

~ If you have or are looking into establishing a donor advised fund, there a number of possible tax benefits.

For more information about tax-smart giving opportunities, we invite you to reach out to our Planned Giving & Major Gifts Officer, David Owen, at dowen@hospiceaustin.org or 512-342-4745.  We also encourage you to speak with a financial and/or tax adviser, if you have not already done so, to determine what strategies may be best for you and your family.

During this holiday season of gratitude and thanksgiving we are grateful for your support which enables us carry out our mission of easing the physical, emotional and spiritual pain of any person in our community facing the final months of a serious illness.

We wish you a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year!

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