2019 – A Record-Breaking Year for Hospice Austin

Dear Friends,

2019 was a record-breaking year in many ways. For the first time, we admitted more than 200 patients in one month – in December we admitted 206 – and also for the first time, our average daily census rose above 400 patients.

For all of 2019, we admitted 2,627 patients to hospice care. Our staff made over 130,000 visits and drove nearly a million miles – that’s the equivalent of four trips to the moon!

Thanks to a generous grant from the St. David’s Foundation, Austin Palliative Care (a medical subsidiary of Hospice Austin) created a community-based palliative care program to visit patients in their homes. The practice consists of physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses and social workers whose goal is to improve the quality of life of patients with a life-expectancy of two years or less and who may still be receiving curative treatments. (Hospice patients have a life expectancy of six months or less and have discontinued curative treatments which have become ineffective or burdensome.) To learn more about Austin Palliative Care, please click here.

Last fall, more than 200,000 votes were cast in the Austin American-Statesman’s Best of the Best contest, and Hospice Austin was named the best hospice! We are thrilled, humbled and grateful for this honor. Your generous support — through word-of-mouth recommendations, volunteering, and donations — allows us to put our patients first. It allows us to create special programs that benefit our patients. And it allows us to serve everyone who needs us, regardless of that patient’s ability to pay.

This coming summer, Hospice Austin will be celebrating 40 years of providing expert and compassionate care to the Central Texas community. We could not have accomplished this incredible feat without your support. Thank you for the many ways you support us all year long and make our mission possible!



Marjorie Mulanax
Executive Director

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