Regardless of Ability to Pay

Regardless of Ability to Pay

We pride ourselves on caring for all who need us, regardless of that patient’s diagnosis or ability to pay. Hospice Austin has seen a 55% increase in the days of care provided to patients with no insurance or other sources of funding compared to the same time period...
Unprecedented Care

Unprecedented Care

“Uncertain.” “Unprecedented.” Whatever you call the times we’re in these days, the COVID-19 pandemic certainly has disrupted our lives and our work. While the pandemic has impacted many professions, none has been affected more directly than those in health care...
How to Plan a Memorial Service on a Budget

How to Plan a Memorial Service on a Budget

Regardless of whether you’ve had the chance to prepare for it, losing a loved one is a time of grief, raw emotion, and stress. The last thing a family in mourning needs is to be worried about the steep costs of memorial services. Unfortunately, that’s the reality...
Grieving in Isolation

Grieving in Isolation

Sara Sroufe was busy sewing masks for the residents and staff at her parents’ assisted living facility in Dallas when she learned that both parents had tested positive for COVID-19. Her parents were taken to the hospital. Her mother was soon released, and Sara brought...
Anticipatory Grief

Anticipatory Grief

This time of social distancing can make caring for a seriously ill loved one even more isolating. Hospice Austin has created a family and caregiver support group to provide a safe space to explore, process, and share anticipatory grief. This support group will: Enable...