Breaking Down Barriers to Care

As a company, Hospice Austin’s values are based on the foundations of respect, compassion, and dignity.  That’s who we are and what we bring to the community we serve. While Hospice Austin is proud of our diverse workforce and the patient population we care for, we...
Thank You

Thank You

Two days after it became apparent that the pandemic would affect Texas, when all was pandemonium and empty shelves at Austin grocery stores, HEB contacted Hospice Austin on a Sunday night to ask how they could help. Hospice Austin has been the grateful recipient of...
Rising to the Challenge

Rising to the Challenge

One of our patients in a nursing facility used to see his daughter every day. He’s elderly, and almost completely deaf. His Hospice Austin nurse, Sara Templeton, said that though he wears a hearing aid, he can only make out some of what you say if you put your mouth...


Hi Friends, This is National Hospice Volunteer Appreciation Week.  This is the week we had originally planned to have our beautiful volunteer appreciation luncheon at Green Pastures.  That is, before the world turned upside down taking most of our plans with it.  We...