Bearing the Light

To borrow the words of a poem by Jan Richardson, our staff are the bearers of light in unbearable times. They are the heart of the care we provide to our patients and families. For the past year, Hospice Austin has engaged in an internal campaign that illustrates that heart through our RIGHT way Standards of Behavior that emphasize Respect, Innovation, Gratitude, Honesty, and Teamwork.

Our staff nominated six employees as Standard Bearers of the Year who embody these qualities. They include Christina Remus, director of quality; Brian King, nurse practitioner; Nikki Hudnall, visit nurse; Kristin Santiago, social worker; Peggy Stoll, chaplain, and Erik Secrest, unit clerk at Hospice Austin’s Christopher House. Over the next week, we will tell you a little bit more about each of them, as well as announce Hospice Austin’s Standard Bearer of the Year!

We are so proud of all of our staff and the hard and sacred work they do. It is an honor and a privilege to accompany patients and families on their final journeys, and an honor to work alongside each and every one of our staff, who bear the light every day.

Blessed Are You Who Bear the Light

Blessed are you
Who bear the light
In unbearable times,
Who testify
To its endurance
Amid the unendurable
Who bear witness
To its persistence
When everything seems
In shadow
And grief.

Blessed are you
In whom
The light lives,
In whom
The brightness blazes —
Your heart
A chapel,
An altar where
In the deepest night
Can be seen
The fire that
Shines forth in you
In unaccountable faith,
In stubborn hope,
In love that illumines
Every broken thing
It finds.

–Jan Richardson




Marjorie Mulanax
Executive Director

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