Season for Caring – Olga Aranda Guzman

Season for Caring – Olga Aranda Guzman

Ana and Olga are featured in the Austin American-Statesman’s Season for Caring Program. Funds raised through this initiative will support them and other families served by Hospice Austin with essential needs like rent, utilities, and groceries. To learn more about...
Patients Before Profit

Patients Before Profit

I read recently that a private equity-backed hospice chain that formed in 2019 for $21 million is seeking a buyer. This chain serves patients in Austin. Hospice care has become big business, and it’s commonplace for private equity firms looking for a quick profit to...
The Sweetest Dance

The Sweetest Dance

Yesterday, we were asked to admit Oscar onto our service. (This story is shared with the patient and family’s permission.) Oscar wanted to get home so that he could dance with his wife one last time. He was on a BiPap (oxygen) and Cardiac Pressors (heart...
Overcoming Barriers to Care

Overcoming Barriers to Care

When it comes to her medical care, Jazmin Campbell, 21, has a long history of not being believed. She was given a variety of diagnoses as different symptoms cropped up, but no one could get a handle on what was wrong. Because her symptoms fluctuate, she encountered...
A Tribute to Our Volunteers

A Tribute to Our Volunteers

Hospice Austin volunteers bring companionship to our patients and their loved ones. They visit and read with patients, write letters, listen to music, play cards or games, take walks, assist the patient and family with projects, and give the caregiver time to get away...
Thank you, St. David’s Foundation!

Thank you, St. David’s Foundation!

St. David’s Foundation, one of the largest health foundations in the country, approved $75.9 million in grant investments back into the Central Texas community in 2023. These grants reflect the Foundation’s commitment to advancing health equity in Central Texas...