Fall Bereavement Calendar

Healing Grief Holistically

8-Week Group

This 8-week group uses group support and a Chinese Medicine /5 Element perspective to help heal the wounds of loss. We will work with a combination of movement, acupressure, essential oils and verbal processing to encouraging healing of the whole self. Each group will focus on an emotion commonly felt in grief such as hopelessness, depression, anxiety or fear. Participants will learn specific techniques to work with and heal these challenging emotional states, as well as ways to cultivate joy and healing. Pre-registration and space is limited.

*For those grieving the death of a loved one two months or more prior to group start.

Daytime: Wednesdays, Oct. 16th – December 11th; 12:30-2:15 pm (no group on Nov. 27)
Evening: Mondays, Oct. 28th – December 16th; 6:30-8:15 pm


Fall Day of Renewal:
A Creative & Experiential Exploration of Grief

This special day will include group sessions using gentle movement, aromatherapy, art, writing and meditation. The movement practice is suitable for all fitness levels and an affinity for all of the activities is not a prerequisite! *This program is designed for people in our community who are grieving the death of a loved one prior to August 20th, 2019.

Saturday, October 19th; 9:00 am – 4:00 pm;
First Presbyterian Church in Georgetown (703 S Church St. 78626)

• Coffee/Tea, breakfast, lunch & snacks will be provided
• Cost to attend is $20/person (Scholarships are available)
• Registration is not confirmed until payment is received
• We ask that participants be at least two months out from the death of their loved one as of October 19th, 2019
• Registration is limited to 20 people


Surviving the Holidays

Please join Hospice Austin for an evening of support and guidance for those grieving the death of a loved one during the holiday season.
The program will include a short presentation, panel discussion and refreshments. The event is non-religious and there is no cost to attend. RSVP is not required.

Thursday, November 21st; 7:00 -9:00 pm
Westover Hills Church (8332 Mesa Dr. 78759)


Tapping for Grief

Tapping, sometimes called the emotional freedom technique, or EFT, is a wonderful tool for grief. The technique utilizes tapping a series of acupressure points on yourself while saying specific phrases. It has been proven to bring relief for common grief issues such as cyclic, repetitive thought patterns and traumatic memories, as well as overwhelming feelings. It’s a useful and effective tool to support healing during the holidays! No cost to attend but RSVP is requested.

Saturday, December 7th; 10:00 am – 2:30 pm


Conversations On Grief: Navigating Loss Through Supportive & Educational Webinars

Conversations On Grief offers online access to grief support and education through your phone, computer or mobile device. From the comfort of your home, you can participate in these 60-minute webinars without having to deal with traffic, long distances or transportation. You’re welcome to attend one, several or all webinars.

There’s Nothing Wrong With You: How to Recover from Loss When You’re Heart-Broken; Wednesday, Oct. 9th; 7:30 – 8:30 pm

How to Grieve, Decorate, and Deep Fry Your Turkey; Wednesday, Nov. 13th; 7:30 – 8:30 pm

Caring for Others While You Grieve; Wednesday, Dec. 11th; 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Register: https://www.hospiceaustin.org/patient-family-services/conversations-on-grief/


Drop-In Grief Groups

Come as you are and come any time you would like to be with others who are grieving. For adults grieving the death of a loved one. No pre-registration required.

South Austin – 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, Noon to 1:00 pm – Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church (5226 W. William Cannon Dr. 78749)
North Austin – 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, Noon to 1:00 pm – Hospice Austin (4107 Spicewood Springs Rd. 78759)

North Austin – 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:00 pm Hospice Austin (4107 Spicewood Springs Rd. 78759)
South Austin – 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:00 pm -Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church (5226 W. William Cannon Dr. 78749)


• For more information or to register for any of the programs that require registration, please call 512-342-4700.
• Unless otherwise noted, all programs take place at Hospice Austin (4107 Spicewood Springs Rd. 78759)
• To learn about additional support such as counseling and other support groups, please visit us here.

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