Feeding body and spirit


Chicken Noodle Soup 2We recently sent out a plea to staff, volunteers, and our friends on Facebook to replenish our food pantry. The Facebook post was shared by 115 of you, and seen by more 8,500 people. The results have been astounding. This is the email we received from Nancy McCranie, Hospice Austin’s Director of Volunteer and Bereavement Services:

Wow!  Your response to our request for pantry items on our wish list has been amazing.  Our shelves are gradually being stocked with soups, canned vegetables, meat,  mac & cheese, peanut butter, fruit cups, and Boost.  The kinds of things our patients and their families can readily use.   THANK YOU!

We even received a shipment from Amazon of three cases of Chicken Noodle Soup from one of our PATIENTS who heard about our efforts through his volunteer and wanted to help. 

He wrote: Just a small token of my appreciation of the many kindnesses that Hospice Austin has shown me as I “walk through the valley!”  It is a pleasure to “share the bounty” and assist in this small manner. 

It is gratifying to work with people like you and to serve a community that is so generous and open-hearted. 

I’ve attached photos so you can see our progress! 

Many thanks,



Here is the original Facebook post:

Hi friends,
Some of our patients and their families struggle to keep enough food in their homes to keep them adequately nourished. Our clinical staff regularly takes bags of food from our Hospice Austin pantry (located in the volunteer department) to these folks. The good news is that our pantry is being used every day! The bad news is that we are now seriously low on some of our most important basics. If you or someone you know is interested in donating a few items, we would happily take them and you can be assured they will be greatly appreciated by the individuals and families who receive them. You can drop them off our office at 4107 Spicewood Springs Road. Thank you!!

Here are the items we are most in need of:

Ensure or Boost Nutritional Supplement Drinks
Carnation Instant Breakfast
Canned Soups
Canned Veggies
Canned Fruit
Canned meat-tuna, chicken, ham, etc…
Rice – small bags
Dried beans-small bags
Pasta – small bags/boxes
Peanut Butter
Mac & Cheese
Instant Oatmeal, Malt-O-Meal, or Cream of Wheat
Fruit cups, pudding cups


Your generosity in helping our families in need warms our soul and invigorates our spirit. Thank you so much.

Melinda Marble


Melinda Marble
Communications Coordinator

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