Estate and Non-Cash Gifts

Help Hospice Austin’s Patients and Their Families for Years to Come

Wish you could do something more to support Hospice Austin? Hospice Austin accepts non-cash gifts that can be converted into cash that will help provide services to patients and their families. You may also support Hospice Austin through your estate plans. There are some simple, flexible, and versatile ways to ensure Hospice Austin can fulfill its mission for years to come. Many of these options could provide a tax advantage, do not require the assistance of an attorney or require you to give up any of your assets today.

  • Bequest/Will/Living Trust
  • IRA Charitable Rollover
  • Donor Advised Fund
  • Gift of Retirement Assets (designate Hospice Austin as Primary or Contingent Beneficiary)
  • Gift of Life Insurance (designate Hospice Austin as Primary or Contingent Beneficiary)
  • Appreciated Securities
  • Gift of Retained Life Estate
Gift Type Your Goal How to Make the Gift Your Benefits
Bequest Make a revocable gift during your lifetime Name “Hospice Austin Fund” as the beneficiary of assets in a will or living trust and notify Hospice Austin of your intentions. Suggested language:  “I give and bequeath to Hospice Austin Fund ($__________ or _____% of my estate.”
  • You maintain control of the assets during your lifetime
  • Gift is exempt from federal estate tax
Appreciated Securities Make a gift that Hospice Austin can use immediately and reduce tax burden Instruct broker to transfer stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares or other securities to Hospice Austin
  • Take immediate tax deduction equal to value of gift
  • Avoid capital gains tax
IRA Charitable Rollover Make a tax-free gift that Hospice Austin can use immediately Instruct your IRA administrator to transfer funds to Hospice Austin
  • Satisfy annual required minimum distribution
  • Gift amount not counted as federal taxable income
Donor-advised Fund Make a tax-deductible gift that Hospice Austin can use immediately Advise the organization sponsoring your donor-advised fund to make a grant to Hospice Austin
  • Can be used to make a tax-deduction possible even with higher standard deductions in new tax laws
  • Decide how to allocate gift at a future date
Charitable Gift Annuity Supplement income with steady payments that are partially tax-free Sign a contract agreeing to make a gift in return for receiving fixed payments for the duration of one or two lives
  • Current and future savings on income taxes
  • Fixed payments for life
Gift of Retirement Assets Avoid the two-fold taxation on IRAs or other employee benefit plans Name “Hospice Austin Fund” as the primary or secondary beneficiary of the remainder your assets after your lifetime
  • Make the gift from the most highly taxed assets, leaving more for family
  • Avoid income tax and estate tax
Gift of Life Insurance Make a major gift at little cost to you Name “Hospice Austin Fund” as the primary or secondary beneficiary or name Hospice Austin Fund as owner of policy
  • Current income tax deduction
  • Possible future deductions through gifts to pay policy premiums
Gift of Real Estate Make a major gift to Hospice Austin and reduce tax burden Before you begin the process of donating real estate, please contact us to make sure we will be able to accept your generous gift
  • Receive tax deduction
  • Avoid capital gains tax
Gift of Retained Life Estate Donate your personal residence, vacation home, or farm now and continue to use it during your lifetime Deed ownership of your home to “Hospice Austin Fund” outright, through an estate, or to fund an income stream
  • Valuable charitable income tax deduction
  • Retain the right to occupy your home for the duration of your life

These are just some examples of non-cash gifts and charitable estate planning options that can help advance Hospice Austin’s mission. For more information about these opportunities or to make Hospice Austin aware of your intention to make a gift, please contact:

Robin Clemons
Director of Development
(512) 342-4790