The most important way to prevent the spread of infection is through wearing masks and meticulous, frequent hand hygiene. You should clean your hands before and after you interact with patients, before and after using gloves, after using the restroom, before eating and anytime your hands get soiled. Hand hygiene can be performed with either soap and water or with hand sanitizer. Either method should take at least 20 seconds to complete.
All volunteers should ask patients and their families if they would prefer the volunteer wear a mask during visits. Volunteers should use precautions in any situation when they may interact with blood or body fluids. These precautions involve creating a barrier between themselves and any bodily fluid – the most common way to do that is with masks and gloves. Most patients have gloves available in their homes which have been provided by Hospice Austin. Note that gloves DO NOT replace the need for hand hygiene!
If you are exposed to body fluids, immediately wash or flush the exposed area thoroughly for a full minute. You should then follow up with the Hospice Austin Employee Health Nurse to determine if any follow up protocols are required.
If you exhibit any respiratory symptoms, or any other infectious symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, shingles etc.), please inform your supervisor and await instructions from Employee Health before participating in any in-person volunteering. If you have an infection, please refrain from in-person visits for the full duration of your illness.
Flu Vaccine Declination or Proof of Vaccination:
Flu season lasts from September to May. To reduce the spread & severity of flu among patients, staff, and volunteers, the CDC recommends annual flu vaccinations (CDC Influenza Information). Hospice Austin requires EITHER proof of flu vaccination OR a signed declination form for all staff and volunteers.
If you wish to receive a flu vaccination from Hospice Austin, please schedule an appointment with Employee Health by using the link below.
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