Happy Birthday, Camp Brave Heart!

Hospice Austin’s Camp Brave Heart celebrated its 20th year of helping children by doing what it does best: laying the groundwork for healing by creating a safe and creative place for quiet transformations.

Children wrote letters to their deceased loved ones, buried their letters in the ground and planted a tree on top as a symbol of their undying love. They scrawled painful feelings on a cement floor and then obliterated them with water balloons. They painted themselves with colored pudding to show that grief is messy. They swam, they fished, they canoed. And they laughed a lot.

Last year, a mother reported that before her daughter attended camp, she had stopped speaking. The girl she picked up from camp was back to her talkative, bubbly self.

Another mother wrote recently, “This camp saved my life and my daughter’s after the passing of my husband in 2016.”

Happy Birthday, Camp
Brave Heart. Here’s to another 20 years!


To see Camp Brave Heart photos, please click here.

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