Refer a Patient
Hospice Austin strives to care for any patient who qualifies for our services regardless of his or her age, diagnosis, or ability to pay. Please contact us at (512) 342-4700, fax (512) 343-7117, or click below to refer a patient online.
Hospice care is for patients when the focus of treatment shifts to comfort care and the patient may have a life-expectancy of six months or less, if the disease runs its expected course.
Hospice Care Offers:
- Homes Visits by the hospice team, including:
- a physician
- nurse
- nurse’s aide
- social worker
- chaplain
- volunteer
- Medications related to the hospice diagnosis.
- Medical Equipment and supplies.
Levels of Care Include:
- Routine Home Care – provided in your patient’s home, independent or assisted living facility or long term care facility. Interdisciplinary care, supplies, durable medical equipment and medications related to the patient’s hospice diagnosis are provided.
- Inpatient Care – provided at Hospice Austin’s Christopher House or in area hospitals when symptoms cannot be managed at home.
- Respite Care – provided for up to five days in approved health-care facilities when caregivers cannot temporarily care for the patient at home.
- Continuous Care – continuous bedside nursing care provided during a medical crisis to allow a patient to remain at home.
- Bereavement Support – individual counseling, support groups and online support provided for families following a loved one’s death.