Welcome to Hospice Austin’s Blog!

We at Hospice Austin have decided to start a blog. We want to share inspiring stories, we want to answer your questions about end-of-life issues, we want to support you if you’re a caregiver, and we want to cushion your journey if you’ve already lost someone you love. In other words, we’d like to help however we can.

The blog will be written primarily by people who work here, from nurses to social workers to bereavement coordinators to volunteers — we may even have one of our doctors or patients chime in. Many of the posts will be written by me. I’m the communications coordinator for Hospice Austin. I have the honor of talking to patients, family members, staff and volunteers and see first-hand, every day, what amazing work they do. I’m also familiar with hospice care on a personal level. My father died after spending months in a hospital; six years later, my mother died at home on hospice care. I know what a positive difference hospice care made for our family.

However, this blog is not about any one of us — it’s about you. I guess the biggest question is, what would you like to see? We hope you will feel free to comment on posts, ask questions and make suggestions. Thanks for reading it, and thanks for you support.

Melinda Marble
Hospice Austin Communications Coordinator

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