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Hospice Austin’s Blog

On the Frontlines

On the Frontlines

Certified Nurse Aide Blanche Pichon-Benford doesn’t consider herself brave. Neither does RN Valerie Sims, or Social Worker Rachel Poppers. Yet they were among the first to volunteer for Hospice Austin’s COVID-19 Response Team in March, back when little was known about the disease and fear was rampant. Since then, they’ve provided care for many patients and families with COVID. Blanche just got three new patients with the virus this week.

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Bravery: Having the Strength to be Vulnerable

Bravery: Having the Strength to be Vulnerable

Bravery to me is standing up for what’s right when it’s hard to do. It’s choosing to do the right thing, over the popular thing. It’s a willingness to go at something alone or with others even in the face of uncertainty. Bravery is having the strength to be vulnerable.

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Bravery: Living Outside Your Comfort Zone

Bravery: Living Outside Your Comfort Zone

I often think about the feeling of fear I have when I’m climbing. I concentrate my focus to just the task at hand (not falling, the next hold), and safety becomes priority. This is not unlike how this past year has been for me – now I just exchange the rope for PPE. 

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January Bereavement Offerings

January Bereavement Offerings

Winter Memorial Jan. 28th, 7:00 - 8:30 pm via Zoom Register Now Are you feeling your grief more intensely due to the social distance we continue to live in? Have you lost a loved one during the pandemic? Were you not able to have a memorial due to COVID-19? If you...

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New Year’s Resolution #1: Healthcare Planning

New Year’s Resolution #1: Healthcare Planning

The start of a new year – especially this new year – is the perfect time to plan ahead. With COVID-19 still with us, thinking and talking about what kind of healthcare we might want, if there comes a time we can’t speak for ourselves, is the greatest gift we can give to those we love.

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Regardless of Ability to Pay

Regardless of Ability to Pay

A patient came in to Hospice Austin’s Christopher House who was not able to eat and was nonverbal except to say “yes” “no,” and “whoops.” He had no family that anyone knew of. Hospice Austin’s Christopher House RN and Team Leader Keisha Jones realized he could swallow and asked him if he was hungry.

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Unprecedented Care

Unprecedented Care

Since having a close loved one receive hospice care years ago and having a friend draw his last breath at Hospice Austin’s Christopher House, I have known and respected the incredible work of the Hospice Austin staff for quite some time. Now I am privileged to chair Hospice Austin’s Board of Directors, which has given me a closer view. I admire what I see: I’m so impressed each day by the positive things I witness about the Hospice Austin team.

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How to Plan a Memorial Service on a Budget

How to Plan a Memorial Service on a Budget

Regardless of whether you’ve had the chance to prepare for it, losing a loved one is a time of grief, raw emotion, and stress. The last thing a family in mourning needs is to be worried about the steep costs of memorial services.

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Grieving in Isolation

Grieving in Isolation

Sara Sroufe was busy sewing masks for the residents and staff at her parents’ assisted living facility in Dallas when she learned that both parents had tested positive for COVID-19. Her parents were taken to the hospital. Her mother was soon released, and Sara brought her home to care for her. Sara’s father died a few days later.

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Anticipatory Grief

Anticipatory Grief

This time of social distancing can make caring for a seriously ill loved one even more isolating. Hospice Austin has created a family and caregiver support group to provide a safe space to explore, process, and share anticipatory grief.

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