Hospice Austin Standard Bearer Peggy Stoll

Introducing our fourth nomination for Standard Bearer of 2017:  Peggy Stoll!

Peggy is always respectful of others.  She listens carefully, thoughtfully, and never interrupts people who are talking to her.  She is a life-long learner and is always recommending books that can help us in our work and life.  She constantly expresses gratitude for the work that others on her team are doing with patients and families.  If she can’t do something or doesn’t think it’s a good idea, she will speak up honestly, but with kindness.  She is more than willing to accompany other team members on visits and often suggests what she calls “tagging along” even thought we can see right through that:  she is coming for the patient, and family AND the team member.

We recently had a patient who was extremely ill.  When the Peggy and the RN Case Manager arrived at the apartment, no one spoke English and the patient was in the bathroom covered in filth.  There were no clean towels, only two dirty ones.  After coming up with a plan to get the patient clean, Peggy offered to go over to her own house and get some towels she “was planning to donate anyway” (a likely story!)  When Peggy returned, she had a large bag of towels to give to the patient and the eight minor children who were living in the same tiny apartment.  She brought additional towels that looked brand new for the RN Case Manager to use to bathe the patient. She brought soap, a basin, and her beautiful, loving, open heart.  She was willing to speak in Spanish with the family even though she doesn’t think she is proficient in it.  She stayed until the patient was clean and sitting comfortably in the living room.  She attended to the patient by setting up an anointing of the sick through the nearby Catholic parish AND she did all this with kindness, good humor and love.  What a shining example of our Standards of Behavior and what a Hospice Austin caregiver looks like.

Thank you, Peggy, for embodying our Standards of Behavior in ways that makes life better for others!

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