January Bereavement Offerings

Winter Memorial

Jan. 28th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm via Zoom
Register Now

Are you feeling your grief more intensely due to the social distance we continue to live in? Have you lost a loved one during the pandemic? Were you not able to have a memorial due to COVID-19?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join us Thursday, January 28th from 7:30 – 8:30 pm for an online memorial and check-in.

The first half of the evening will be the memorial, followed by an option for attendees to remain online with the hosts and others in attendance to share and listen.

The memorial will take place on Zoom. Pre-registration is required. We look forward to spending the evening with you. If you need assistance learning how to use Zoom, please let us know.


Conversations On Grief:
Navigating Loss Through Supportive and Educational Online Webinars

Grief and Healing: Setting Your Intentions for the New Year
Wednesday, January 13th, 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Register Now

There are times in our grief journey when we are ready for a change in how we grieve. Healing comes through a willingness to allow a full and honest grief experience and through the courage to act. During this webinar, you’ll learn the difference between intentions and resolutions, how to identify your intentions, how to incorporate them in your life, and how to check in with yourself along the way.


Healing Grief Holistically Webinar Series

Holistic Healing for Sleep Difficulties During Grief
Monday, January 18th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Register Now

Sleep can be elusive during grief, and we are also seeing an epidemic of “pandsomnia.” After a loss, we are adjusting to a new reality and have new worries, and this can keep us awake when we need our rest. We will learn about science behind grief and sleep difficulties, as well as holistic ways to address sleep challenges.

The Healing Grief Holistically Webinar series uses education and experiential techniques such as movement, acupressure self-massage, breathwork, and meditation to encourage healing of the whole self after the death of a loved one. The movement practice is very gentle and suitable for all fitness levels. You’re welcome to attend one, several or all webinars. Click here for additional information, 2021 topics and registration links. Please call the Bereavement Department at 512-342-4700 if you have any questions or would like more information.


Online Drop-In Grief Groups

Daytime – Tuesdays: 12:00 -1:00 pm
Evening – Wednesdays: 7:00 – 8:00 pm

January Topics
1st week – Setting Intentions – After the death of a loved one, we may fervently hope that we will feel better and perhaps “more normal” as a new year begins. Although we have limited control over how we feel day-to-day as we grieve, we can think about our intentions or goals. Intention is defined as, “To have in mind a purpose or plan, to direct the mind, to aim.”

2nd week – How Are you Courageous? – Many of us are reluctant to recognize the ways we are brave in the face of great pain and loss. To grieve courageously is to be honest and vulnerable with yourself and others about your loss, your emotions, and the choices you have in your life going forward. Whatever point you are in your journey, join us to talk about the courage it takes to grieve.

3rd week – Tuning In/Turning Out – After the death of a loved one, you may find you need lots of time to yourself. This includes time to sort through intense emotions, to rest and recuperate, to think about next steps in your life, to settle the estate, and to recover from the rawness and pain of grief. At the same time you may also experience a strong loneliness which propels you to look outward and seek support from other people. Join us to discuss finding the best balance for you.

4th week – What are Your Stages of Grief? – When you’re grieving, it’s difficult to feel confident that you are “doing this right.” Join us to talk about walking your own path versus feeling like you have to move through loss in a certain way or like others do.

*Topics are used as a starting point for each group, however participants are free to bring up any issues and topics they would like to discuss.

Join us online or over the phone through Zoom! These groups are designed to be available when you need them. No rsvp is necessary and there is no commitment to attend a certain number of sessions. Come as you are when you need to be with others who are grieving. They are for any adult grieving the death of a loved one at any point after the loss. There is no cost to attend.

Join January Zoom Meetings with this link or ID/passcode (This info is specific for January groups; info is the same for both daytime and evening):
Meeting ID: 873 2681 4585
Passcode: 825871

You can participate several ways:
– Click the web link above. You will be able to see the facilitators and other group members. You have the option to have your camera on or off (you are invited to have it on!). For audio, you will then select to use audio through your device or by calling using one of the numbers below.
– You can also access the group by downloading the Zoom app and entering the above meeting ID and password.
– Call in using one of the phone numbers below (you don’t need a computer or smart phone to participate). Enter the meeting ID and password when prompted.
– Please let us know if you need help accessing these groups! We are happy to help.

If calling in, dial the number closest to your current location for higher quality. When prompted, enter the appropriate Meeting ID.
346 248 7799 (Houston)
669 900 6833 (San Jose, CA)
301 715 8592 (Maryland)
312 626 6799 (Chicago)
929 436 2866 (NYC)
253 215 8782 (Washington State)


Looking for Something Else or Not Sure What You Need?

Please give us a call or visit our website if you would like information on additional services such as individual, couples or family grief counseling and relationship specific groups such as Loss of Parent, Loss of Sibling, Loss of Adult Child and Loss of Spouse/Partner. We can help you explore what support will best fit your needs. Call Hospice Austin’s Bereavement Department at 512-342-4700.

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