Join us for “Surviving the Holidays” on Nov. 16 at 7 pm

The seemingly unrelenting tragedies of hurricanes and mass shootings is enough to batter the spirit,  re-open wounds from past losses and deepen fresh ones. And now the holidays are approaching, making a hard time even worse.  For people who have suffered the death of a loved one, the holidays are a constant and painful reminder of the person who is gone.

Those wondering how to get through this holiday season or worrying that their sadness will spoil the celebration for others are invited to join Hospice Austin and a panel of experts who will share tools for surviving the holidays. The event will be held Nov. 16 from 7 – 9 pm at Westover Hills Church, 8332 Mesa Dr.

Grief has shaped and transformed the lives of the three panel members. Mari Dombkowski lost her husband and later wrote a picture book told from the perspective of her young daughter to help other children survive such a loss; Eric Neuhaus, a young man who lost his father, now helps run an online grief support service; and Jan Phillips, who lost her son and husband, is now a grief therapist for Hospice Austin. Their message: they’ve come out the other side, and you can, too.

Please, join us. Surviving the Holidays is free and open to all in the Austin area. For more information, call 512-342-4784.

If you’re unable to join us on Thursday, but would like suggestions on how to make the holidays a little easier on yourself, please click .


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