Quality of Life Programs and Resources

Please ask your team to tell you about the following resources:

  • Nutritionist – our staff nutritionist works with patients and families to develop diets and menus suitable for the patient’s needs.
  • Massage therapy and acupuncture – volunteers who specialize in massage therapy and acupuncture for patients with advanced illness offer their services to help patients relax and ease breathing.
  • Hospice Austin Volunteer – volunteers offer friendship, support and a calming presence to you and your loved ones.
  • Caregiver Phone Support – this program offers caregivers emotional support and practical guidance.
  • Pet Peace of Mind – this volunteer-based program can help you care for your pet throughout your illness by providing pet food, visits, and routine veterinary visits.
  • Pet Therapy – therapy dogs and their handlers lift spirits of patients and families alike.
  • For Love & Art – volunteers share digital artbooks pre-loaded with over 1000 masterpieces from world-wide museums to provide a form of art therapy and a conduit for memories, conversation, and stories.
  • Quilts for Children – made by volunteers, these quilts offer special reassurance to children aged 0 – 18.
  • Enhancing Connections – a joint project by UT and Hospice Austin, this program gives guidance to parents about speaking with children about their own or a loved one’s serious illness.
  • Swan Songs – Swan Songs fulfills musical wishes by organizing private concerts with Austin musicians for individuals with a terminal illness.
  • Austin Diaper Bank – provides diapers to babies, toddlers and senior citizens in need.
  • Prayer Shawls – created and prayed over by local church volunteers, the shawls are made with love.
  • Bereavement Services – Hospice Austin offers individual counseling, support groups, online and phone support, and other programs. Your loved ones do not have to do this alone.
  • Camp Erin Central Texas – a free multi-night recreational and bereavement camp for children aged 6 – 17 grieving the death of a loved one.

Pet Peace of Mind

Pet Peace of Mind ensures that patients and their beloved pets can stay together throughout the patient’s illness. Learn more (Jump to another page)

We know pets offer unconditional love, acceptance, comfort and companionship when they are needed most. We also know that during a serious illness, it can sometimes become more difficult to give pets the kind of care they need.

Our Pet Peace of Mind program can help you care for your pet throughout your illness. It provides helping hands and financial assistance, including:

  • Help with feeding, walking, play and affection
    • Delivering pet food and routine pet medications
    • Coordinating routine veterinary care
    • Help with boarding if you are hospitalized or transferred to a facility
    • Assistance with re-homing resources for the pet, if requested

And of course, your pet is welcome to stay with you at Hospice Austin’s Christopher House.

In Central Texas, Pet Peace of Mind is made possible by the generosity of the Banfield Charitable Trust and St. David’s Health’s Angels.