Reel Change for Real Change

Richard Saum and BrianHospice Austin was recently chosen to participate in the Reel Change Film Frenzy, a project sponsored by the nonprofit Lights, Camera, Help whose mission is to help area nonprofits by making mission-driven films that tell their story. The project paired 10 nonprofits with 10 filmmakers and gave them one week to work together to create a short film about the mission and work of the nonprofit. At the end of the week, the films debuted for a screening at the Alamo Drafthouse.

Hospice Austin was selected by filmmaker Don Nguyen of ILC Films. Don highlighted the work of nurse practitioner Brian King, who has worked at Hospice Austin for 16 years.  Please watch the video below and let us know what you think.


Thank you so much to both Brian and Don for sharing their gifts with Hospice Austin, and thank you to Lights, Camera, Help for helping nonprofits tell our story!


#1 Marjorie Mulanax



Marjorie Mulanax
Executive Director

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