You Make Our Mission Possible

Steve sunglassesHi friends, the countdown to Amplify Austin is on and we need more secret agents to join our elite mission!  For a fun Hospice Austin video we put together for Amplify Austin, the city-wide online giving festival on March 5-6, please click here.

Our theme for this year is Mission Impossible – we’d like to do even better this year than we did last! If you can, please share our Facebook and blog posts with your friends and encourage them to give on March 5-6. Gifts can even be scheduled today and will be automatically applied on March 6th by clicking here.

Debuted in 2013 by I Live Here, I Give Here, Amplify Austin Day provides an easy and fun way for our entire community to give together and help hundreds of nonprofits that are meeting critical needs. This year, more than 500 nonprofits will be participating.

Last year during Amplify Austin, 800 donors gave $228,000 to Hospice Austin during the online campaign. Your support catapulted us to the top of the leaderboard for the second year in a row.  With matching funds generously donated by our sponsors and Amplify Austin incentive prizes, our total came to over $400,000! This year, we’re hoping for 1000 donors and $250,000 in online donations. Generous sponsors have stepped forward again to match gifts dollar for dollar.

These wonderful sponsors include Texas Oncology, St. David’s Foundation, Heritage Title Company, Dusty Baker, Debby & John Burns, Bill Dickson, CAST for Hospice Austin, Cissie & Dillon Ferguson, Marcia & Dave Fox, Stan Goldstein, Beth & Tom  Granger, Greg Hooser & Anne Brennan, Claudia & Jim Humphrey, Diana & Gregg Lowe, Patsy & Jack  Martin, Oscar & Nancy Robinson, Aubrey Smith, Travis Medical, Nancy C. Tuck Trust and Wortham Insurance. This year, St. David’s Foundation is offering matching funds to its grant partners to the tune of $1 million given on a prorated basis.

Why is Amplify Austin so important? Your support makes our mission possible every day – to serve all who need us, regardless of the complexity of their disease, the cost of their care, or their ability to pay. Most hospices turn away patients with diseases whose symptoms are difficult or expensive to treat, such as offering palliative radiation to a cancer patient not for cure, but for comfort. Additionally, Hospice Austin is the only hospice that does not put a cap on the amount of charity care we provide. In 2014, we provided over $2.5 million in care for patients with no funding.

We could not do this without your support. Thank you for making our Mission POSSIBLE!!


Melinda Marble


Melinda Marble
Communications Coordinator

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